Meet the newest addition to the Carr family, baby Zita. I was so excited when Alexandria requested a family shoot! It’s such an honor to capture family moments, especially when there is a new baby involved! Here are some of my favorites from our session together.
Zita was wide awake for our session. However, when she initially arrived, she was waking from her afternoon siesta. I had to grab this quick shot while she was resting her beautiful blue eyes! Doesn’t she resemble a baby doll?
Alexandria and Patrick absolutely love this little girl to pieces!!!
Zita knows her mommy and daddy!
I can’t even handle how cute Zita is! And she didn’t poke at her headband once!
Patrick loves his little princess and can’t wait to take her to a Pirates’ game someday!
What a good looking family!
Capturing beautiful, heartfelt moments like the one below give me so much joy! Don’t you think this photo epitomizes the word, “cherish?” Someday Zita will look at this picture and be instantly reminded of how much her mother loves and cherishes her. I feel so fortunate to capture these sweet moments!
One thing I learned during the shoot is that Zita loves when you talk about “Waffles and Pancakes.” Hahaha! This was a moment where her dad was trying to get her to smile by saying “waffles and pancakes.” Look at how her face lights up! Patrick found his diner partner!
I mean really, how can you not love waffles and pancakes after these smiles?
Look at that adorable baby face!!!
So happy for this new family and their precious gift from heaven! Congratulations, Alexandria and Patrick! God bless the Carr Family!